At Daily Online we are committed to facilitate as much information that help our vendors to have a pleasant and friendly experience while trading on our platform. Find below a guide to make uploading products as easy and fast as possible.
Step 1
Navigate to your vendor’s dashboard and click on Products>Add New.
You will be presented with a new screen to enter all the necessary details for your product to be ready to get published.
Step 2
Once on this section you will bee able to select the type of product, it could be a “Simple Product” or a “Variable Product”
Let’s start with the simple product:
A simple product is a product with no variations or options, for example a vase or a skillet or any product with no sizes, colors or any other type of options, or this product all you need to enter is the name or title of the product, a short and a long description as well as the price and an image or set of images, please remember to add the correct category to your product from the dropdown list as well as tags, these will make your product display in the correct category and it will help when buyers use search terms in the shop search box.
It is important to also add the weight if the product exceeds 5kg since this will accurately calculate the shipping cost avoiding delays and misunderstandings that could lead to a purchase cancellation or an unsatisfactory buying experience to the buyer which can translate into a low or negative rating, affecting your overall perception for future buyers.
Step 3
Variable Products
Variable products are those products that have more than one variations or options, for example: a T-shirt with two different colors, black and white, and 3 different sizes, small, medium and large. To set up this kind of products you will also have to enter the name or title of the product, a short and a long description as well as the price and an image or set of images, and also a category or categories from the dropdown list and tags, furthermore, you will have to select the attributes form the existing list or create new ones if the existing ones does not apply to your product; it is of upmost importance to crate select and/or create a single attribute per each option example attribute 1: color, attribute 2: size and then to create a combination of all attributes for each variations individually, example variation 1: color: white size: small, variation 2 color: white size: medium, variation 3 color: white, size: large and so on.
DO NOT create attributes containing more then one variation/option, example attribute 1: white, black, attribute 2: small, medium, large. This will provoke repeated variations that will not be able to be selected on your product display page and, therefore, unable to be sold since the buyers will to be able to chose one color and one size independently.
Once the variations are successfully created, you can proceed to enter the details for each variation in the same way you entered your details for a simple product in step 2. This will give you full control over each variation to set it up as best fits your product, including a specific image for each variation.
You can create variations one by one or all at the same time.
And You're Done!
Finally your products are ready to be published, just click “Submit for review” and your products will be live once admin approve them. Once all this is done you can visit your “Products” section in your vendor store dashboard and manage your products from there. “Tip: you can duplicate any product and adjust the details to speed up uploading similar products”
Please do not hesitate to contact support if you require further assistance or if you would like to purchase a “Products Management Package” where all you need to do is provide Daily Online all the details and images and we will do the heavy lifting for you.